21 Simple Ways to Refuel Your Energy Tank

Do you ever feel like you’re running on empty?

It happens to all of us. No matter how hard I try to focus on simple living, I still catch myself running on mere fumes every now and then.

We live in a society that teaches us that we should be BUSY doing something ALL the time. We are constantly navigating from one thing to another at work and at home – all the while – depleting our inner energy tank.

Our cars are equipped with gauges to tell us when they are almost out of fuel, but unfortunately our bodies aren’t. Sometimes we are oblivious that the needle is almost on E until we find ourselves stranded and exhausted. 

What depletes your energy tank? For many people, it’s things like:

  • An over-scheduled life.
  • Stress at work or home.
  • Setting unrealistic expectations for yourself.
  • People pleasing.
  • Physical/mental exhaustion or challenges.
  • Not enough alone time.
  • Lack of meaningful connection with loved ones.
  • Denying yourself of joyful activities because you feel guilty about putting yourself first sometimes.

Now – think about the things that truly bring you JOY. How can you incorporate them into daily living to nourish your soul and add fuel back into your inner tank?

Here are a few simple ways to refuel your tank and rejuvenate your mind and body:

Keep Reading – Or watch my video:

  1. Give someone a hug. A warm embrace to express your affection and support refuels 2 people at the same time!
  2. Get outside! Enjoy the fresh air – go for a walk. Movement can improve your mood and your energy. Being in nature can evoke wonder and inspiration!
  3. Get creative – doodle, draw, write, color, paint, knit, or work a puzzle – do something crafty that you love!
  4. Take a nap. Resting does NOT make you a lazy person! Welcome the mindset that you deserve rest and actually need it.
  5. Visit a museum, attend a play, or explore a beautiful street. Discover the beauty in art, architecture, and design that may often go unnoticed in your everyday life. Take in the ornate facades and the harmonious blend of old and new. Fill up on the creativity and ingenuity that surrounds you.
  6. Prepare a favorite drink, find a cozy spot to sit and sip it slowly.
  7. Look at pictures that make you smile – pictures of fun family times. Relive some of the great memories in your mind.
  8. Crank up your favorite tunes and dance like no one is watching! Let the music transport you to a world where there are NO worries. Dance with passion, dance with joy, dance like there’s no tomorrow!
  9. Lie down in the grass and gaze at the sky. Feel the soft blades of grass below you and marvel in the vast expanse of sky above – where billowy clouds dance with the wind. Soak in the warmth of the earth, and let the wonder of it all wash over you like a gentle wave.
  10. Commit to a NO multi-tasking day. Focus on just one thing at a time and give your brain a break. Ditch the notion that you need to do it all, as fast as possible. YOU DON’T!
  11. Start reading a book. Let the magic of storytelling take you on a captivating journey of the mind and soul.
  12. Cuddle up or play with a pet. No pet? Just Google Cute Kitten Pictures! Spending quality time with your pet or indulging in the cuteness overload found on the internet can help replenish your spirit.
  13. Tend to plants or flowers. Appreciate the beauty of nature by cutting a few stems outdoors and bringing them inside to enjoy. Or, treat yourself to a fragrant bouquet from a local market. Bringing nature indoors can bring a sense of tranquility to your living space.
  14. Volunteer. Embark on a journey of blessing and helping others, nurturing your soul along the way.
  15. Carve out time to sit and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Take 10 minutes to sit quietly in a comfy place away from the usual sensory overload. Turn off your phone, turn off the TV. Enjoy the bliss of stillness. Let go of all your obligations and just be – allowing yourself the luxury of complete relaxation and rejuvenation.
  16. Call or meet up with someone you love – reminisce about old times … and laugh – A LOT!
  17. Set a specific time every single day to pause and focus on least one of your many blessings. Let it fill you with a deep sense of appreciation and contentment.
  18. Change your screensaver to a picturesque dream location like a beautiful beach. Imagine yourself stepping onto the soft, powdery sand. Admire the shades of blue and green in the crystal-clear water. Maybe it’s a majestic mountain view. Let this imagery transport you to a place of tranquility, wherever it may be.
  19. Get a massage, or do yoga, gentle stretching or any type of relaxing activity. Focus intently and REALLY FEEL the relaxation!
  20. Fuel your tank with healthy foods. A nourished body is a happy body. You don’t have to give up your favorite sweet treat – but consistently add in lots of fruits, vegetables, water, and other healthy foods.
  21. Take a vacation or day trip. Taking a break from our daily routines allows us to rejuvenate our spirits. When a major journey isn’t possible, smaller escapes can provide solace, too. Visit a zoo or the enjoy the atmosphere of a quaint town nearby. These mini getaways have the power to rejuvenate our souls and replenish our energy levels.

Remember that self-care is NOT about self-indulgence. It’s about being a good steward of the body you were blessed with.

When you fill your tank with the good stuff, not only does it benefit you, but it also enables you to take better care of the people you love.

I’d love to hear how you refill your tank! Comment below or send me a message with your favorite ways to refuel and re-energize.

❤️ Angie

P.S. I invite you to view my videos about Simple Living here.

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By Angie Sivori

I'm a creative busy-body on a journey to simplify my life and my belongings.

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