8 Reasons to Simplify

Why take the time and effort to declutter your home and simplify your lifestyle?

Since I made the decision in 2019 to take steps toward a more simplified home, I continue to discover more and more reasons why I am committed to do this.

Here are just 8 of those reasons:

Create more time to do things we love. When you have less on your counter tops, fewer decorations on the shelves and minimal items sitting on the floor, clean-up takes a lot less time. Just a quick wipe down of the kitchen counter after dinner and I’ve got time to enjoy a drink on the patio with my hubby. We can sit and watch the chickens….just be chickens. They make us smile! I’m sure many of you can substitute “children” for “chickens” in my senenrio! 🙂 Maybe watering your flowers is something you love to do, or taking a walk, or meditating. Whatever you love to do – you can do it more!

Experience less mental stress. When my house is cluttered – inanimate objects seem to be talking to me all the time: Pick me up and put me away, throw me in the trash, remember to dust me off, put me in the closet – oh no, wait – there is not enough room in the closet! No, I’m not actually hearing voices – but it IS hard for me to see all the things around me that need to be done and not feel a little stressed. It is so much more pleasant to sit and relax in a room that is free of clutter.

Be a blessing to others. We have so many extra things that we really don’t NEED. And, there are many people around us who would really appreciate some of these items. Instead of stuffing more towels and washcloths than you need into the bathroom cabinet, donate them to a homeless shelter. Pull down the extra dishes that you have keep in your cabinet (that you cannot reach and have not used in 15 years) and take them to the Good Will store. Or donate your extra blankets to Salvation Army – We can use our abundance to bless to others.

Manage relationships instead of inventory. It has occurred to me recently that we are almost like warehouse managers in our own homes – constantly moving things around, finding new places to store things, filling more totes, trying to keep a mental inventory of where everything is, etc. Wouldn’t it be more meaningful to spend this time nourishing and enriching relationships with our family and friends rather than managing our “inventory”?

Realize that Less can be More. Believe me, I’ve got a LONG way to go, but I am starting to understand the concept of how less can truly become more. Owning less can give you the freedom to DO MORE. Instead of spending a weekend cleaning out the basement or garage, you could be enjoying a weekend getaway. Owning less can pave the way for more room – room to fill with the people, places and experiences that are more important to us.

Finding your focus. Take the time to find what is truly important to you in order to lead a fulfilled life. Then remove all the “stuff” that is standing in your way – all the things that take time away from doing what is truly important. Each of us have a different focus, depending on our season of life. The minimalist movement is not about doing without – it’s about learning to shift your focus, your energy, to those things that are most important to you. I have just begun the 6th decade of my life, so I’m focused on retiring soon and spending more time with our new granddaughter, with my entire family and traveling. Having fewer possessions will make it easier for me to do this.

Save money. Living through the Covid pandemic has certainly made me realize that I can do without a lot of things. I no longer go shopping, just to “go shopping.” I keep of list of things we need, and try to stick to shopping for only those items. Since I started simplifying my closet (still a work in progress) I no longer want to fill it up with clothes and shoes, just because I found things that were on sale. I know I’ll fall off the wagon from time to time, but I plan to purchase pieces that can easily be worn with other items in my wardrobe.

Eliminate the burden of passing along of our “stuff” to others. I know it is not a pleasant thing to think about, but when Bill and I are gone from this earth, we don’t want to leave our family with tons of “things” to go through and have to deal with. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us… which is another reason to free ourselves from the burden of stuff now… and live to enjoy every possible moment!

I am just beginning my journey toward owning less, so I am in no way an expert to give advice. But I do feel strongly about making this change in my life…. and maybe you feel the same way, too.

Simple Pleasures Are The Best!

By Angie Sivori

I'm a creative busy-body on a journey to simplify my life and my belongings.

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