7 Tips to Jumpstart Your Decluttering Journey

If you are ready to declutter, but are not sure where to begin, I have some tips for you!

Let’s start with the Simple Stuff!

Watch my video, or follow the list below, to jumpstart your decluttering, and you will find it much easier to keep your momentum going. Once you experience the feeling of success and the benefits of new-found space, you’ll be excited to dig a little deeper the next time around.

It really is beneficial to build up your “decluttering muscles”, just as you would any muscle in your body. It’s always smart to start slowly and work your way up to greater intensity.

Let’s get started with some easy items!

Plus, I’ll give you suggestions for your next stage of strengthening your decluttering muscles.

1. Paper Clutter

Identify the Paper Clutter Hot Spot in your home. Chances are it is where the mail lands when it comes into the house. Toss the junk mail right now. Gather up all the catalogs that tend to pile up to never be read. Recycle if possible, of course. Designate a space or tray for incoming mail and other important papers.

Next Time Around: Separate the important papers that require that action be taken (bills to be paid, forms to be filled out, appointments to be made, etc.) Designate special area for these papers to be kept and establish a pattern for taking the appropriate action needed. Sign up for digital billing and/or statements, where available, in place of receiving paper in the mail.

My Weekend Basket helps to keep me organized. Learn more about it here.

2. Clothing

Look through your closet and pull out the items that no longer fit you. Put them in a donation box or bag if they are still in good condition. You deserve to have a closet filled with only the things you love and fit you well. There is no reason to pass over items that make you unhappy because your body size has changed.

Next Time Around: Go through your shoes and let go of the ones that you know are uncomfortable or hurt your feet – even though they’re just so darn cute! Then…. you’ll be strong enough to start making decisions about letting go of unnecessary wardrobe items for other reasons. You can learn more about the wardrobe challenge, Project 333, here.

3. Food Storage Containers

Get out ALL of your containers and lids and match them up. Toss or recycle any stray tops or bottoms. Count how many containers you have. Are you a little shocked? Chances are you could donate or recycle a few and enjoy a less-crowded kitchen cabinet.

Next Time Around: Count how many coffee cups you have. Do you really need them all? Do you have an extra set of dishes that you never use? If you love them, but feel like they are too good to use everyday – START USING THEM! Let go of some of the old everyday dishes. Life’s too short to only eat from the every-day dishes!

4. Photos on your Phone

Don’t forget about your digital clutter! Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes and begin going through your photos and deleting all the duplicate or similar photos, and keep only the best ones. If you are like me, this seems to be a never-ending task. So pick a date range to tackle, or set a timer, and then call it done for the day.

Next Time Around: Choose the next date range to declutter more photos. Plus each time you do this, begin decluttering your contact list, too.

5. Phone Apps

Do you have apps on your phone that you never use? I bet you could use more storage space on your phone. Select the apps you have not used in “forever” and hit delete.

Next time: Look through your apps again and “be real” about the ones you thought you “needed” to keep last time. Maybe you will be strong enough to delete one or two more.

Create category folders for the apps you use regularly. Removing all the visual clutter creates a more pleasing home screen when you pick up your phone. PLUS – when you hide those apps away – you are less likely to automatically check your social media apps and begin a session of mindless scrolling. Pick a wallpaper photo or design that will make you smile! I made one for you below!

Screen Shot or download this Free Phone Wallpaper

Follow this link for more free phone wallpapers.

6. Cosmetics

Cosmetics have a shelf life, just like food, and are not safe to use forever, especially mascaras. And those unflattering shades of eye shadow will never magically transform into colors that help you look your best. Check your nail polishes to see which ones have gotten too thick. Toss out all the old products! If you have dirty brushes, keep and clean only the ones you use on a regular basis. Let the others go.

Next Time: Make another pass through your cosmetics and face the harder decisions. Make peace with letting go of that outrageously expensive product that you never use. You tell yourself you spent good money on it, so you can’t just throw it away! Keeping it does not put that money back in your pocket. Toss the product AND toss the guilt! Say bye-bye to the make up shades that don’t flatter you. Reduce your collection to the tried and true favorites and enjoy the space in your cosmetic drawer.

7. Odd items in your junk drawer

We all do it ….. throw bits and pieces and random objects into the junk drawer! Identify the parts and pieces of things that you don’t even know what they are, or what they may have belonged to. If you haven’t found the use for them by now – you probably never will. They are ready for the trash can. Pull out any items that should clearly be stored in another place of your home: ink pens, bottle opener, screw driver, etc. Relocate these items to their proper home.

Next time: Pull each item out of the drawer and decide if it truly serves a purpose AND you actually USE it. Once you have removed the unneeded items, THEN you can sort and organize your drawer. YOU NEVER WANT TO START WITH ORGANIZATION. Organized Clutter is Still Clutter! Declutter First: then organize.

I hope this list gives you the kickstart you need to begin decluttering and start down the Road To Simple.

Remember Simplifying is NOT just about removing things. It is about creating MORE space in your life for the people you love and the things you love to do!

Keep It Simple, friends! We know Simple Pleasures are the BEST!

xoxo Angie

P.S. If you are not a member of the Road to Simple Community yet – Join Now and get your free Decluttering Guide!

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By Angie Sivori

I'm a creative busy-body on a journey to simplify my life and my belongings.

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