Can Less Actually Be More?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the comparison between More and Less.

There are plenty of things we need MORE of in our lives, and plenty of things we need LESS of. But sometimes that balance tends to get a little bit out of kilter.

I invite you to watch this video, and then leave me your comments.

In my 20s, 30s, 40s ….. it was all about pursuing More ….. acquiring More. A bigger house, a nicer car, more decorations for my home ….. you get the idea.

In recent years, my thinking has completely changed. I am in the season of my life where I’m actually craving Less, Less, Less!

Stay with me for a minute and let me explain what I mean. Let’s “turn the tables” on More being More, and Less being Less.

What if you had Less Physical Possessions? Could that pave the way for you to have More Time to do the things that you love to do?

Our stuff is pretty demanding sometimes! It requires us to clean it, sometimes we have to clean around it, repair it, find a place to store it ….. maybe even move around 20 other things in order to find a place to put it. All of these things take up our precious time. Read this post to understand why we all have so much clutter.

This comparison between More and Less is also eye-opening when you think about your activities, and not just material items. Think about all the time you spend scrolling through social media on your phone, and going through countless emails in your inbox.

The Less scrolling you do, the MORE TIME you have to call or visit a special friend. Try to reduce your time on social media and unsubscribe to some of those emails from retailers. The Less email you have in your inbox, the MORE TIME you have to do the simple things you love, even if it’s just sitting on the couch relaxing with your family.

I am continuously simplifying in several areas of my life so that I can have more time to enjoy the people, pets and outdoor adventures I love!

My husband and I really enjoy spending time with our chickens! Above are Phoebe and Missy Americana when they were just a few weeks old. Aren’t they cute?

I challenge you to think about what YOU could own LESS of or do LESS to create MORE time for rest, relaxation and things that bring you joy!

Remember to Keep It Simple!
xo Angie

P.S. If you would like to receive my free Simple Steps Decluttering Guide, just sign up below!

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By Angie Sivori

I'm a creative busy-body on a journey to simplify my life and my belongings.


  1. I am finding this less is better the older I get. I just purged my closet and drawers and got 3 big boxes of clothes and other things I do not wear or do not need. It was sad to think about the $’s that were spent. I just know that that I will feel better when I am looking for something I can see it in the closet or drawer better and not have to dig. Thanks for sharing your videos, I am enjoying seeing them.

    1. Hi Sherry! It is surprising to learn how many boxes and bags you can fill when you declutter your clothing, isn’t it? I’m sure you will be more selective now when you add new items. I chalked up the dollars spent as a lesson to do better in the future. And that really works! I know you will find it so much easier to pick out what to wear with fewer items. You will also find that the more times you declutter your clothes, the easier it gets to let items go. Thanks for commenting and watching my videos. Remember to Keep It Simple, my friend!

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