What is clutter & why do we all have it?

Some sources report that the average American household contains 300,000 items – and that 1 in 4 Americans have a clutter problem.

Yah….I can see that!

You don’t have to know all the answers to start your decluttering journey – BUT, you DO have to START to discover a few answers.

If you’ve been procrastinating getting started, I invite you to watch my video and encourage you to ask yourself 2 simple questions:

  1. What is Clutter?
  2. How can I let it go of these items?

Let’s start with:
#1. What is Clutter?

My definition is: Clutter is anything that is not serving a purpose in the season of life that I am in right now.

We are always adapting to different seasons of our lives…. many of us become parents, our hobbies and interests change, we get older and cannot physically do some of the things we enjoyed when we were younger. We are ALWAYS changing…. therefore we are ALWAYS going to have clutter!

Our clutter begins when we allow items to come into our homes – with full permission. These items served us at that time in our lives. But as we change and grow – these things just sit there, pile up and no longer serve us. They naturally become clutter.

Don’t beat yourself up about your clutter, but instead, learn to recognize when you see it is happening and take action!

This brings me to the second question:
#2. How can I let go of these items?

Find a way to let go of things that feels good to you.

For example: You have an empty aquarium that has been sitting in your basement collecting dust for years. Your neighbor has a daughter who would absolutely LOVE to have that! Letting go can be a good feeling.

I’m planning to donate a lot of my craft supplies soon to a local school for autistic children.

If you feel better about selling a few items, do that. Just determine what works best for you, and trust yourself to make these decisions.

More than half of the battle is done once you determine what is clutter and how you will let it go. You’re decluttering project will go much faster, I promise! Good Luck!

xo Angie

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By Angie Sivori

I'm a creative busy-body on a journey to simplify my life and my belongings.


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